The next generation of mental healthcare for everyone

Harnessing the power of data , the Cloud and AI for a more resilient, empathetic world 

Revolutionizing Mental Healthcare: Comprehensive Screening, Diagnostics, and Monitoring at Your Fingertips

Welcome to our groundbreaking mental health mobile solution, designed to transform the way you approach your mental health and well-being. Our app offers a comprehensive suite of tools that quickly, accurately, and cost-effectively assess  up to 15 mental health disorders and co-morbidities, empowering you to take control of your mental health like never before.

Patients can conduct self-screening and diagnostics in the comfort of their own home or with the assistance of healthcare providers in a clinic setting. 

Our platform features a robust portal view for administrators and clinicians, providing access to individual patient data and de-identified aggregate insights. This allows for better monitoring, timely interventions, and data-driven decision-making. Furthermore, our solution offers API integration, enabling seamless data exchange and enhanced analytics capabilities for comprehensive mental health management.

Empowering Patients, Supporting Providers, and Reducing Costs for Payers

For Patients

Our mental health mobile app provides a confidential, accessible, and user-friendly platform for assessing your mental health, gaining valuable insights, and tracking your progress over time. Take proactive steps towards improving your mental well-being and quality of life with our app.

For Healthcare Providers

Integrate our solution seamlessly into your clinical workflow to screen, diagnose, and monitor your patients' mental health efficiently. Leverage advanced technology and data-driven insights to make accurate diagnoses, develop targeted treatment plans, and improve patient outcomes. Our portal view for clinicians provides visibility into patient data between visits, alerts for timely interventions, and the ability to focus on treatment rather than assessments and diagnostics.

For Payers

Our app offers a cost-effective solution to reduce the burden of mental health disorders on healthcare systems. By accurately identifying mental health issues early and enabling targeted interventions, our app helps optimize resources and improve overall population health outcomes. Administrators can access de-identified aggregate data and insights through our portal view, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards while leveraging our data via API integration for enhanced analytics and reporting.

For Employers

Enhance employee well-being, increase productivity, and reduce healthcare costs with our mental health app. Provide your employees with confidential, proactive mental health support, leading to a healthier, more engaged workforce. Gain valuable insights through our portal view to inform your wellness programs and create a more attractive workplace. Leverage our data via API integration to tailor your health initiatives and track their effectiveness.

For Public Health Organizations

Improve population health outcomes with our app's early identification and continuous monitoring capabilities. Optimize resource allocation, reduce the healthcare burden, and gain valuable data-driven insights to guide public health strategies. Our portal view provides access to de-identified aggregate data, ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations. Enhance your public health initiatives and research efforts by leveraging our data via API integration.

Comprehensive Coverage for Mental Health Disorders

Our solution covers a wide range of mental health disorders, including:

AI Integration

Industry-Standard Assessments Backed by Real-World Data

Our assessments follow the industry-standard Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-V) practices, ensuring the highest level of accuracy and reliability. We have fine-tuned our assessments using data from over 10,000 patients and 100,000 encounters, leveraging the power of machine learning and data analytics to continually improve our algorithms and provide personalized insights.

The Proof is in the Numbers

The effectiveness of our mental health mobile app solution is supported by compelling data:

Commitment to Ethics and Regulatory Compliance

We prioritize patient privacy and data security, ensuring that all information collected through our app is protected and used solely for the purpose of improving mental health outcomes. Our mental health mobile app solution is designed to meet the stringent requirements of FDA Class 2 medical device ethics protocols, with anticipated certification in 2024.

The Leadership Team

Ting Fung Ip

Chief Executive Officer

An expert in a clinical lab for preventive medical projects, building relationships with business partners, and sourcing new technology and equipment.

Mike Chu

Chief Product Officer

Deep solution engineering and product development experience in mobile and web apps, healthtech, data management and practical applications of AI.

Ricky Lai

Chief Revenue Officer

Deep experience in enterprise software sales, IP protection and licensing, customer entitlement management, and enterprise content management.

Dr. Vivian Law, M.D.

Medical Advisor

A pediatric physician providing guidance in the healthcare domain as a clinical and facilitation specialist.

Inquiries may be directed to hello@e360health.ca7


E360 Health Solutions, 1785-4311 Hazelbridge Way, Richmond, BC V6X 3L
